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Irvine Family Lawyer

RM Law Group attorneysWhether you’re facing divorce, a contentious custody dispute, the fear that comes with an abusive relationship, or a different legal matter, having the right family law attorneys by your side is crucial. Family law matters are among the most important things you’ll face in your life, with the potential to shape your financial future, your relationship with your children, and your overall quality of life.

At RM Law Group, our Irvine family attorneys understand what you’re going through, as well as the enormous uncertainty and anxiety you may be facing. We strive to help our clients find family law solutions that accommodate their needs, set them up for future success, and lay the groundwork for a positive relationship with their children.

Learn more about the services we offer, and when you’re ready to discuss your needs in greater detail, call us at 866-706-3160 or fill out a contact form and we will contact you.

Cases Our Family Law Firm Handles

Our team of committed family law attorneys takes on a wide range of cases, including:

Choosing Your Approach to Your Family Law Needs

Our team of family lawyers in Irvine understands that every client has different goals when they start or respond to a family law case. Depending on your circumstances, you may be focused on maximizing your time with your children, securing the assets you need to move forward after divorce, guaranteeing a fair alimony or child support agreement, or laying the groundwork for a positive co-parenting relationship.

During your free consultation, we’ll discuss your concerns, what you would consider an ideal resolution and any challenges you anticipate along the way. From there, we’ll craft a plan that addresses every aspect of your case and helps you know what to expect.

What You Need to Know

As you get ready for your consultation, it’s helpful to have a list of questions ready. We want to give you the information you need to make the best decision for your family, and having questions prepared ensures that we address every one of your concerns.

It’s also important to understand how California laws affect your case. Family law is an area of law that varies significantly from state to state, so even if you’ve had family law cases in other states, you may not know exactly what to expect in California. Once we get an understanding of your case, we’ll explain the various laws that are relevant to your case and how they may affect the outcome.

You should also know that the majority of family law issues are settled through negotiation, not in the courtroom. If we truly cannot come to a fair agreement with your spouse or the other party in the case, then taking the case in front of the judge may be our only option. However, negotiation is often the best option in sensitive situations like divorce, child custody, and alimony. When you are open to negotiating, you maintain some control over the entire process. You have the freedom to decide where you are willing to negotiate and where your bottom line is.

But when you leave the important decisions of your divorce or custody agreement up to a judge, you give up all control and power over the situation. They will gather information and evidence from both parties and make a decision they find to be fair. Whether or not you agree with this decision, you are obligated to follow it. Our goal is to handle as many issues as possible through negotiation and mediation so you have a say in the outcome of your case.

How the Team at RM Law Group Can Help

Many of the clients we see for family law issues are completely overwhelmed by the time they make it to our office. We understand—when your entire future is on the line or you’re facing the loss of parenting time, it is nearly impossible to focus on anything else. Our goal is to take a proactive approach to your family law needs and provide the experienced, empathetic service you deserve.

What you’re going through is hard. But when you have a strong legal team by your side, you can take a deep breath and begin to relax. We’ll keep you informed every step of the way, explain your options and their potential outcomes, and give you our professional advice. This time will pass, and when it does, you’ll be glad you trusted RM Law Group with your case.

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Free Case Review

The earlier you contact RM Law Group for help with your Irvine family law needs, the sooner we can begin working on your case. With substantial experience in negotiation, mediation, and representing clients at Orange County Superior Court, we have the knowledge and skills you need. Reach out online or call us at 866-706-3160 to get started.